PRP FACIAL in Superior WI

Our clinic offers PRP facials in Superior WI to help you look the way you desire. If the article below does not answer all of your questions please contact us at Twin Ports Wellness & Aesthetics.
Why Try The PRP Facial® In Superior WI?
The PRP Facial® is a very simple yet incredibly effective strategy for rejuvenating the face. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from your own blood is applied and worked into the skin with a professional micro-needling tool. The micro-needling tool creates micro punctures in the skin, thus activating the collagen and elastin cascades to create new cells and rejuvenation. The PRP is used to simulate stem cells that exist in the face.
PRP is rapidly becoming one of the most useful natural treatments in aesthetics. Each of these procedures promises to turn back the hands of time. With this technique, isolating elements from the blood, which can then be injected below wrinkles, folds, and even acne scars, can rejuvenate the skin. Because PRP is extracted from your own blood, it alleviates the risk of allergic reactions or skin sensitivity.
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Twin Ports Wellness & Aesthetics
1728 Tower Ave
Superior, WI 54880