

Includes Exam and X-Ray*

*Offer excludes participants of Federal Aid Programs such as Medicare and Medicaid

Chiropractic Superior WI Twin Ports Wellness Aesthetics
Chiropractic Superior WI Twin Ports Wellness Aesthetics


and X-Ray*

*Offer excludes participants of Federal Aid Programs such as Medicare and Medicaid

It's Time to Change Your Life

We're excited to meet you

DR. Jim Hoeffling, DC

  • The Common Path

    Most of us learned early in life that you treat illness or problems by going to the hospital or by taking pills. There are cases where those are the best options, but is that always the case?

    There are around 37 billion reactions happening every second in your body.  For the most part, those reactions happen flawlessly, but from time to time the body needs a bump in the right direction.

  • The Chiropractic Path

    Chiropractic care provides patients with a path to improve their overall health without the use of drugs and surgery.

    If you're interested in learning more our team at Twin Ports Wellness & Aesthetics would love to meet you.

$20 New Patient Special

Includes Exam and X-Ray*

Rachel S.

Before starting chiropractic care with Dr. Hoeffling, I had been having extreme jaw pain that radiated from the temporomandibular joint to the back of my ears. There was clicking and popping when I opened my mouth and I had been having frequent headaches. The pain was constant and was worse after chewing tough or crunchy foods. It was hard to concentrate at work sometimes because of the pain. Prior to going to Dr. Hoeffling, I saw a couple physical therapists that taught me how the jaw works, they also taught me some exercises to do. However after several months of doing this I still had no relief. After working with Dr. Hoeffling, I've had much improvement! I finally found pain relief, fewer headaches, and more mobility in my jaw. I can concentrate on my work and I don't wake up in pain every morning. Such a wonderful feeling!! I would definitely recommend chiropractic care with Dr. Hoeffling!

Patty Y.

I could hardly open my mouth, it was very painful on the left side of my jaw line. There was a steady clicking when I would chew. I went to Dr. Hoeffling and I can now open my jaw without pain. I still have clicking at times, it comes and goes when chewing food, but my condition improved drastically. Before seeing Dr. Hoeffling I wasn't sure what was wrong with me, so I didn't sleep well and was stressed. I know now who I will go to if I need a follow-up.

Olly W.

My health was very good, but I was having sharp pains in my knees. It hurt to turn and move my legs in bed and sometimes sharp short pains in my leg when sitting. It didn't keep me from doing things, I just was very tight after walking and my joints ached more. I feel the sharp shooting pains have gone and I don't see to have the shape pain when moving in bed. My knees don't ache as much and walking up and down stairs is easier. Doing laser treatment was very nice because it offered no side effect and it is very easy to do. I highly recommend it to everyone in pain.