Before starting chiropractic care with Dr. Hoeffling, I had been having extreme jaw pain that radiated from the temporomandibular joint to the back of my ears. There was clicking and popping when I opened my mouth and I had been having frequent headaches. The pain was constant and was worse after chewing tough or crunchy foods. It was hard to concentrate at work sometimes because of the pain. Prior to going to Dr. Hoeffling, I saw a couple physical therapists that taught me how the jaw works, they also taught me some exercises to do. However after several months of doing this I still had no relief. After working with Dr. Hoeffling, I've had much improvement! I finally found pain relief, fewer headaches, and more mobility in my jaw. I can concentrate on my work and I don't wake up in pain every morning. Such a wonderful feeling!! I would definitely recommend chiropractic care with Dr. Hoeffling!